From AuroraUX

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Getting Involved

First things first

  • Newbies Welcome!!
  • There is no such thing as a dumb question.

Finding Us

  • Join us at #auroraux
  • Join us at
  • Join us at
  • Join us at ohloh
  • Just drop us a line by email -

What can you help with?

Developers - We need as much help as we can get. Whether you are an Ada expert, or someone just new to Ada, there is an appropriate job for you to help with. We really need the help. Start here

Documentors - AuroraUX is designed for use in systems that demand high reliability and integrity. In these siutations an up to date, concise documentation system is required. We need writers, proof readers, graphics gurus. Anyone can help out here.

Users - If you have a dedicated project for AuroraUX then let us know. The more we know about you and your projects, the better we can tailor the system.

Do we have a RoadMap?

Absolutely, This is a very focused project, If we missed anything *do* tell us!